Familiarizing Kids with Computers via Play

10/21/2014 12:04

Here’s the thing about computers - they are seen as toys, not as machines. This immediately makes them seem more appealing to kids of all ages, who are ever curious to explore the many features of a computer or a mobile phone readily.

With technology taking over offices and classrooms, computer skills are as essential to your child as math or language. On the bright side, it is not an uphill task as you don’t have to teach them about computers through books – well, not always. Instead, you can get them to play online games that will help them get familiar with working on a computer. There are many fun kids games that one can choose from – memory games, typing games, reading games, and so on.  

2 & 1/2 and already a computer junky!” by machado17 is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Children using computers to play games grow comfortable with the computer environment. Though they are engrossed with the colorful graphics, sounds and music, kids simultaneously learn basic computer skills. They learn to use the mouse, the keyboard, and understand the way menus and navigation work. Children can also understand how a computer is switched on and off.

As they grow older, the games they play can open up the world of coding, software programs, creating graphics and more. Children also absorb how technical glitches are fixed, simply because they are eager to get back to the game and willing to overcome any hurdles that may stand in the way of play!

Some kid’s games like the Clicky Mouse Game and Mousercise are specifically designed to teach beginners how to use different components of the computer. There are also software games that can be installed.

DorkBot @ the MADE” by vonguard is licensed under CC BY 2.0

You can enhance your child’s learning experience by providing them with a single click mouse and a child-friendly keyboard which has fewer keys and can be a colorful affair. Once you have taken your child through the steps by explaining and demonstrating how to play a game, and shown them the proper finger placement, leave them alone to explore the computer. Kids seem to have an instinctive understanding of how to handle a computer and it may not be necessary to supervise them too closely.

With computers, tablets and mobile phones becoming an indispensable part of everyday life, familiarizing kids with computers at an early age can certainly have its advantages!

