5 Easy Math Games You can Play at Home

11/05/2013 19:32

Statistics prove that kids have always found it difficult to comprehend math more than any other subject. Traditional ways of teaching have taken a backseat to make way for fun and interactive methods of teaching both in and outside the classroom. Outdated approaches have only made teaching the subject difficult, leaving kids in the lurch. On the other hand, teaching math with the help of math games has witnessed a steep curve in the learning graph. Here are a few math games that you can play with kids to help them develop an affinity for the subject.

Acute Geometry

Geometry is all about shapes and sizes! Try this fun math game at home with kids – command them to make various geometric patterns – parallel lines, perpendicular lines and angles, acute angles, and more – with only their hands. Let this be a game where kids will have to follow the commands promptly – as soon as they are called out!

Fun with Shaving

Bid goodbye to boring notebooks and lead pencils and welcome shaving foam as the new writing material. Spray out a dollop of shaving foam on the desk – let that be your writing surface. Ask kids to solve equations with their fingers in the foam. Not only will they enjoy the learning process, they will also remember what they have learnt for a long time to come!

Guess Measurement

Give a minute’s time to kids and invite them to spot any four things in the room that they think will add up to 2 meters. Once they have guessed, allow them to measure the things and record their lengths and check to see if they at all add up to approximately 2 meters. This math game will improve kids’ measurement skills and help them estimate the length of objects better.

Weigh Them Up

This math game is very similar to Guess Measurement – it will help kids predict the weight of common objects that they see around them daily. Lay out a tray of fruits and vegetables from your kitchen in front of the kids. Ask kids to pick any number of fruits and vegetables so that they weigh 1 kg in total. Next, take out the weighing scale to see if their prediction is right.

Passing the Ball

This is a classic math game that we have all played as kids. This math game can be enjoyed only if there are a considerable number of kids in it. The first kid to start the game says 5 and passes the ball to his neighbor. The neighbor multiplies 5 by 2, says the correct answer aloud and passes the ball to the boy next to him. He then multiplies 5 by 3, says the answer aloud, and continues to pass on the ball. The player who says the wrong number is eliminated. The last boy standing with all the correct answers is declared the winner. 

